#804 – Specifying a MatrixTransform as a Simple String

You can specify an arbitrary transform to apply to an element by using a MatrixTransform element.  Below is an example of the XAML used to do this, showing the full logical tree.

        <Label Background="LightCoral" Content="The Earth" Margin="5"
                        <Matrix M11="1.3" M12="0.1"
                                M21="0.1" M22="1.2"
                                OffsetX="5.0" OffsetY="6.0"/>

There’s a much more concise way of specifying this transform, however.  You can take advantage of a type converter provided for the LayoutTransform or RenderTransform properties, allowing you to specify the Matrix element for the transform as a simple string.  The string has the format M11,M12,M21,M22,OffsetX,OffsetY.  So we can simplify the above XAML to the following:

        <Label Background="LightCoral" Content="The Earth" Margin="5"