#1,211 – Catching Exceptions Originating in Property Accessors

Post #1,210 explained that when data binding causes a property accessor to fire (either get or set) and an exception occurs, the exception will be ignored by the data binding layer. The exception gets caught internally and converted into a binding error that you normally don’t see.

We can use the technique described in #1,209 to to intercept this binding error and convert it back to an exception. This avoids the problem of these original exceptions never being seen.

Below is a complete example, setting us up with a NullReferenceException that comes out of a property set accessor. We wire up a trace listener that will catch this error and other binding errors.

First, we define a BindingErrorTraceListener class, which intercepts the binding errors by overriding the WriteLine method. In the snippet below, we simply throw a new exception that contains the entire text of the binding error. This will work for all binding errors (e.g. due to binding expression problems or due to exceptions coming out of property accessors).

    public class BindingErrorTraceListener : TraceListener
        public override void Write(string s) { }

        public override void WriteLine(string message)
            throw new Exception(message);

Next, we wire up the listener in our application’s startup logic. We also set up a handler for unhandled exceptions and display the body of the exception. (You could just as easily log the exception here).

    public partial class App : Application
        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

            PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource.Switch.Level = SourceLevels.Error;
            PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource.Listeners.Add(new BindingErrorTraceListener());

            DispatcherUnhandledException += App_DispatcherUnhandledException;

        private void App_DispatcherUnhandledException(object sender, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)

For existing WPF applications, this is all you need to do. All binding errors will now be converted to exceptions, caught and displayed. Some might argue that this should be standard fare for every WPF application. (Maybe not displaying the errors to the user, but at least logging them).

The snippets below are for a sample application, so that you can see this in action.

We start with a window that lets the user type in someone’s name then then displays the number of characters in the name.

<Window x:Class="WpfApp1.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:WpfApp1" mc:Ignorable="d" Title="A ColorAnimation" Height="350" Width="525">
    <Grid Margin="10">
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>
        <TextBlock Text="Enter text:"/>
        <TextBox Grid.Column="1" Margin="10,0" Text="{Binding YourTextqqqq, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>

        <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Margin="0,10" Text="Length:"/>
        <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="0,10" Text="{Binding TextLength}"/>

In the code-behind, we simply wire up the DataContext of the window to a viewmodel.

    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public SomeViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }

        public MainWindow()
            ViewModel = new SomeViewModel();
            this.DataContext = ViewModel;

Finally, we have the body of our viewmodel, where we make an attempt to call a method on a BobNotify object when the user types “Bob”. We haven’t initialized the object, so this will generate a null reference exception.

    public class SomeViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
        private BobNotify _bobNotify;

        private string _yourText;
        public string YourText
            get { return _yourText; }
                if (SetProp(ref _yourText, value))
                    // E-mail Bob if someone types his name
                    // (but we forgot to initialize BobNotify object, so will get NullRefException here).
                    if (_yourText == "Bob")


        public int TextLength
                return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_yourText) ? 0 : _yourText.Length;

        protected bool SetProp<T>(ref T backingField, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propName = null)
            bool valueChanged = false;

            // Can't use equality operator on generic types
            if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(backingField, value))
                backingField = value;
                valueChanged = true;

            return valueChanged;

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };

        private void RaisePropertyChanged(string propname)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propname));

When we put all of these pieces together and test the application, we see that when the user types “Bob”, we get the dialog popping up with the full text of the binding error. In the body of the error you can see the original NullReferenceException.

One interesting thing to note is the part saying target element is ‘TextBox’ (Name=”). The name is empty because in .xaml, we didn’t name the element. You often avoid naming XAML elements in WPF because you shouldn’t need to interact with the elements in your code-behind. However, naming elements can be useful in cases like this, where the name would normally be reported.

#1,210 – Exceptions in Property Accessors Can Be Ignored in Production Code

In the same way that binding errors are quietly swallowed in production code, exceptions originating in property getters or setters invoked as a result of WPF data binding can also be quietly ignored in production code.

Assume that we bind a TextBox.Text property to a string-based property in a ViewModel, as below. Note that when the data binding engine tries to set a property value of “Bob”, we’ll get a NullReferenceException.

        private BobNotify _bobNotify;

        private string _yourText;
        public string YourText
            get { return _yourText; }
                if (SetProp(ref _yourText, value))
                    // E-mail Bob if someone types his name
                    // (but we forgot to initialize BobNotify object, so will get NullRefException here).
                    if (_yourText == "Bob")


        public int TextLength
                return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_yourText) ? 0 : _yourText.Length;

If we include this code in a release build and do nothing special to listen for binding errors, the exception will be quietly swallowed. The only hint that something went wrong is that the TextBlock that we bind TextLength to doesn’t get updated once we type the second “b” in “Bob”.

We can handle these sorts of errors in the same way that we did for other types of binding errors, by adding a binding error trace listener.


#1,209 – Catching Data Binding Errors Part 2

In Part 1, I described how to use a TraceSource to intercept data binding errors. Below, we convert these binding errors into exceptions. You then can know that the error will get reported at runtime and you can catch and handle the exception as you like.

(Code below is inspired by WpfBindingErrors project and Jason Bock’s blog post).

Building on the code in the earlier post, we modify the WriteLine method to parse the resulting error message and build up a custom exception type.

    public class BindingErrorException : Exception
        public string SourceObject { get; set; }
        public string SourceProperty { get; set; }
        public string TargetElement { get; set; }
        public string TargetProperty { get; set; }

        public BindingErrorException() 
            : base() { }

        public BindingErrorException(string message)
            : base(message) { }


    public class BindingErrorTraceListener : TraceListener
        private const string BindingErrorPattern = @"^BindingExpression path error(?:.+)'(.+)' property not found(?:.+)object[\s']+(.+?)'(?:.+)target element is '(.+?)'(?:.+)target property is '(.+?)'(?:.+)$";

        public override void Write(string s) { }

        public override void WriteLine(string message)
            var xx = new BindingErrorException(message);

            var match = Regex.Match(message, BindingErrorPattern);
            if (match.Success)
                xx.SourceObject = match.Groups[2].ToString();
                xx.SourceProperty = match.Groups[1].ToString();
                xx.TargetElement = match.Groups[3].ToString();
                xx.TargetProperty = match.Groups[4].ToString();

            throw xx;

As before, we attach a listener at startup. We also catch unhandled binding exceptions and display a MessageBox.

    public partial class App : Application
        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

            PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource.Switch.Level = SourceLevels.Error;
            PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource.Listeners.Add(new BindingErrorTraceListener());

            DispatcherUnhandledException += App_DispatcherUnhandledException;

        private void App_DispatcherUnhandledException(object sender, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
            var bex = e.Exception as BindingErrorException;
            if (bex != null)
                MessageBox.Show($"Binding error. {bex.SourceObject}.{bex.SourceProperty} => {bex.TargetElement}.{bex.TargetProperty}");

For a bad property name that leads to a binding error, we then get a nice little error.


#1,208 – Catching Data Binding Errors Part 1

In WPF, data binding errors by default are quietly swallowed, rather than throwing an exception.

Happily, there is a TraceSource that we can use to intercept all binding errors. All data binding errors will go through this trace source and we can therefore add a TraceListener to the trace source’s Listeners collection in order to intercept the error.

We start by creating a simple class deriving from TraceListener that overrides Write and WriteLine methods. These methods will be invoked when messages come from the trace source. Note that we don’t yet do anything useful with these messages, but just dump them to standard trace output (to prove to ourselves that we got them).

   public class BindingErrorTraceListener : TraceListener
        public override void Write(string message)
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("==[Write]{0}==", message));

        public override void WriteLine(string message)
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("==[WriteLine]{0}==", message));

We can now wire our listener into the standard data binding trace source. Below, we do this at application startup.

    public partial class App : Application
        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

            PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource.Switch.Level = SourceLevels.Error;
            PresentationTraceSources.DataBindingSource.Listeners.Add(new BindingErrorTraceListener());

At this point, we’re not doing anything with the binding errors. But if you watch the output window, you’ll see that we’re now capturing them.

Next time, we’ll look at converting these errors into exceptions that you can catch.

#1,207 – Data Binding Can Fail Quietly in Production Code

By default, if there’s a problem in how you set up data binding in WPF, the user of the application will never see the binding errors. An exception occurs internally for the binding error, but the WPF application won’t crash or report the exception.

Let’s say that we have that we have an application the includes the following properties in an object that we bind to (i.e. the object that we set the DataContext of a window to). (Using SetProp from post #1,205).

        private string _yourText;
        public string YourText
            get { return _yourText; }
                if (SetProp(ref _yourText, value))

        private int _textLength;
        public int TextLength
            get { return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_yourText) ? 0 : _yourText.Length; }

Now let’s say that we have the following XAML fragment (assume in a Window whose DataContext is set to a class containing the properties shown above).

        <TextBlock Text="Enter text:"/>
        <TextBox Grid.Column="1" Margin="10,0" Text="{Binding YourText, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>

        <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Margin="0,10" Text="Length:"/>
        <TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="0,10" Text="{Binding TextLenth}"/>

Note the error–we spelled the TextLength property incorrectly, so binding for this TextBlock will fail.

If we just build and run the application, we won’t get an exception and the application will run fine. It just won’t bind to TextLength.

If you run the application in the Visual Studio debugger and pay attention to the Output window, you’ll see the error reported there. But WPF swallows this error and the application runs fine.

#1,205 – Use CallerMemberName Attribute to Make INotifyPropertyChanged Implementation Cleaner

The INotifyPropertyChanged interface is central to using data binding in WPF. You typically create ViewModels containing properties that fire a PropertyChanged event whenever a property value changes. Implementing this plumbing over and over for every property can become tedious. This argues for a reusable pattern to make the per-property code cleaner.

Specifying string-based property names when raising the PropertyChanged event can also be error-prone. When, passing property names as string literals, a misspelled property name doesn’t lead to a compiler warning, but just a quiet data binding failure.

Below is a pattern you can use to make property change code cleaner. It relies on the CallerMemberName attribute, which can be used to default a method parameter to the name of a caller–the property name in this case.

We have a generic method that compares a new property value to the current value in the backing variable. If the value has changed, it assigns the new value and fires the property changed event.

        protected bool SetProp<T>(ref T backingField, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propName = null)
            bool valueChanged = false;

            // Can't use equality operator on generic types
            if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(backingField, value))
                backingField = value;
                valueChanged = true;

            return valueChanged;

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };

        protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string propName)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propName) && (PropertyChanged != null))
                PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propName));

A standard property implementation can now look pretty clean. (Note: We’re not checking the return value of SetProp, but we could do that if we wanted to perform other logic when the property value changes).

        private Dog _selectedDog;
        public Dog SelectedDog
            get { return _selectedDog; }
            set { SetProp(ref _selectedDog, value); }

You would generally put this sort of code in a common base class that all of your ViewModel classes could inherit from.

#1,140 – Using a Value Converter in a Template

You can use a value converter anywhere in XAML where you are using data binding.

Below is an example of using a value converter within a data template.  The Visibility property is bound to the underlying Actor object that is the data context for the item template.  The value converter then derives a value for Visibility from several properties within the Actor object.  (Assume that we have an ActorList property that is a collection of Actor instances).

The XAML includes:

        <loc:DeadFredConverter x:Key="deadFredConverter"/>

        <ListBox Margin="15" Width="270" Height="320"
             ItemsSource="{Binding ActorList}">
                    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                        <Image Source="{Binding Image}" Height="80"/>
                        <StackPanel Margin="5">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding FullName}" FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold"/>
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Dates}"/>
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding KnownFor}" Margin="0,5,0,0" FontStyle="Italic"/>
                        <Label Content="Dead Fred !" Foreground="Red"
                               Visibility="{Binding Converter={StaticResource deadFredConverter}}"/>

The body of the value converter is:

    class DeadFredConverter : IValueConverter
        // Convert to Visibility, deriving from properties on Actor object
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            Actor a = (Actor)value;

            Visibility vis = Visibility.Hidden;

            if ((a.FirstName == "Fred") &&
                a.DeathYear.HasValue &&
                (a.DeathYear <= DateTime.Today.Year))
                vis = Visibility.Visible;

            return vis;

        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();


#1,139 – Value Converter Example for Input

The ConvertBack method of a value converter is used to convert from a binding target (e.g. the attribute of a control) to a binding source (e.g. a property).  Below is a simple example, showing how we can convert from a Slider value to the square root of the selected value.

In XAML, we have a Slider that ranges from 1-100 and binds to a property that is meant to store the square root of the selected value.  We specify a binding Mode to indicate that binding should only map from the target (the Value property) to the source (the SqRootValue property) and not in the other direction.  We then include labels that bind to the Slider’s Value property as well as the SqRootValue property.

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
        Title="Value Converter" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight">

        <local:IntToRootConverter x:Key="intToRootConverter"/>

    <StackPanel Margin="15">
        <Slider x:Name="slider" Minimum="1" Maximum="100"
                Value="{Binding Path=SqRootValue,
                                Converter={StaticResource intToRootConverter},
        <Label Content="{Binding ElementName=slider, Path=Value}"/>
        <Label Content="{Binding SqRootValue}"/>

The code-behind is straightforward.

    public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
        public MainWindow()
            this.DataContext = this;

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };

        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string prop)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop));

        private double sqRootValue;
        public double SqRootValue
            get { return sqRootValue; }
                if (sqRootValue != value)
                    sqRootValue = value;

In the value converter, we just take the square root of the current value, calculating the result in ConvertBack.

    public class IntToRootConverter : IValueConverter
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        // Convert from int (target of binding) to double representing square root (source of binding)
        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            double root = Math.Sqrt((double)value);
            return root;

At run-time:


#1,138 – Value Converter Example for Output

The Convert method of a value converter is used to convert from a binding source (e.g. a property) to a binding target (e.g. the attribute of a control).  Below is a simple example, showing how we can convert from an integer to a brush of a particular color.

In XAML, we have a Slider that ranges from 0-255 and binds to a property, storing the integer value that the user selects.  We then bind to the same property for a rectangle shape’s Fill property.  The Fill property wants a Brush object, so we use a value converter to convert from the integer to a brush.

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
        Title="Value Converter" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight">

        <local:IntToBlueBrushValueConverter x:Key="intToBlueBrushValueConverter"/>

    <StackPanel Margin="15">
        <Slider Minimum="0" Maximum="255"
                Value="{Binding BlueValue}"/>
        <Label Content="{Binding BlueValue}"/>
        <Rectangle Height="80" Width="80"
            Fill="{Binding Path=BlueValue, Converter={StaticResource intToBlueBrushValueConverter}}"/>

The code-behind is straightforward.

    public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
        public MainWindow()
            this.DataContext = this;

        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate { };

        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string prop)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop));

        private int blueValue;
        public int BlueValue
            get { return blueValue; }
                if (blueValue != value)
                    blueValue = value;

In the value converter, we create a solid color brush whose R and G values are 0 and whose B value is derived from the integer (slider position).

    public class IntToBlueBrushValueConverter : IValueConverter
        // Convert from int to System.Windows.Media.Brush
        // where brush is color with R=0, G=0 and B=int
        public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)

            int blueVal = (int)value;
            blueVal = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, blueVal), 255);

            return new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0, 0, (byte)blueVal));

        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
            return null;

At run-time, the color of the rectangle changes as we move the slider.




#1,137 – Value Converter Basics

A value converter is a class that knows how to convert data as part of the data binding process.  It can convert data in two directions:

  • From the data type of a bound property to the data type required by the attribute that is binding to the property (output)
  • From the data type of an attribute to the data type of a bound property (input)

A value converter implements the IValueConverter interface.  IValueConverter.Convert is used for output, converting from a bound property value to the type required by an attribute.  For example, you might have a integer property that you bind to and use in setting the background color of a particular control.

IValueConverter.ConvertBack is used for input, converting from an attribute’s value to a bound property.