#469 – Filling a UniformGrid from Right to Left

A UniformGrid will normally lay out its child elements from left to right, starting in the first row (top to bottom, left to right).  You can reverse the left-to-right behavior by using the FlowDirection property.

The default value for FlowDirection is LeftToRight.  If you specify a value of RightToLeft, the UniformGrid will fill child elements from right to left within each row.  (Rows are still filled from top to bottom).

<UniformGrid Rows="2" Columns="4" FlowDirection="RightToLeft">
    <Label Content="1" Background="AliceBlue"/>
    <Label Content="2" Background="Cornsilk"/>
    <Label Content="3" Background="DarkSalmon"/>
    <Label Content="4" Background="Gainsboro"/>
    <Label Content="5" Background="LightBlue"/>
    <Label Content="6" Background="MediumAquamarine"/>
    <Label Content="7" Background="MistyRose"/>