#365 – SelectedDate and SelectedDates Properties of Calendar Control

The SelectedDate property of a Calendar control is a nullable DateTime (System.DateTime?) that represents a single selected date.

The SelectedDates property is an instance of SelectedDatesCollection, which is an ObservableCollection that contains DateTime values.  It represents the set of currently selected dates.

If the SelectionMode is None, or if no date is currently selected:

  • SelectedDate is null
  • SelectedDates is an empty collection

If SelectionMode is SingleDate and a date is selected:

  • SelectedDate contains a single DateTime value
  • SelectedDates contains a single DateTime element in the collection

If SelectionMode is SingleRange or MultipleRange and at least one date is selected:

  • SelectedDate contains a single DateTime value, equivalent to the first element in the SelectedDates collection
  • SelectedDates contains a DateTime element for each date that is currently selected