#1,172 – Custom Panel, part IV (ZIndex)

By default, a Panel control will respect its children elements’ Panel.ZIndex values when doing layout.  In the custom panel below, we overlap child elements during the arrange phase.

    public class MyPanel : Panel
        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
            Size childSize = new Size(availableSize.Width, double.PositiveInfinity);

            foreach (UIElement elem in InternalChildren)

            return availableSize;

        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)
            Size childSize;

            double top = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < InternalChildren.Count; i++)
                childSize = new Size(finalSize.Width, InternalChildren[i].DesiredSize.Height);
                Rect r = new Rect(new Point(0.0, top), childSize);
                top += childSize.Height * 0.5;

            return finalSize;

If we don’t specify ZIndex values, each child layers on top of the previous child.
We can reverse the order by specifying explicit ZIndex values:

    <loc:MyPanel Margin="5" Background="LightGray">
        <Label Content="I'm child #1" Panel.ZIndex="3"
               Background="Thistle" />
        <Label Content="I'm child #2" Panel.ZIndex="2"
               Background="Lavender" />
        <Label Content="Third kid"  Panel.ZIndex="1"
               Background="Honeydew" />


#1,045 – Control Layering of Elements in a Grid Using ZIndex

If you have more than one user interface element in a particular grid cell, the elements are layered on top of each other.  Elements added earlier in XAML appear below (lower layer) than elements added later.

You can change the layering of the elements by changing the order in which they are added to the Grid.  You can also control the layering by giving each element a value for Panel.ZIndex.  Elements with higher values for ZIndex will appear to be on top of elements with lower values, regardless of the order in which they were added to the Grid.

In the example below, the Label appears on top of the Button because it has a higher value for ZIndex.

            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto"/>

        <Label Content="Oops I'm in the same cell with a button !"
        <Button Content="Push Me" Width="100"


#806 – Setting ZIndex Values of Child Elements in a Canvas from Code

You use the Canvas.ZIndex attached property on a child element in a Canvas to indicate the relative positioning of elements, when they happen to overlap.  Elements that have higher ZIndex values will appear on top of elements having lower values.

        <Button Content="1 - Lft10,Top10" Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="10"
        <Button Content="2 - Rt10,Top10" Canvas.Right="10" Canvas.Top="15"
        <Button Content="3 - Lft10,Bott10..." Canvas.Left="15" Canvas.Bottom="15"
        <Button Content="4 - Rt10,Bott10" Canvas.Right="10" Canvas.Bottom="8"

As with other attached properties, you can set the value from code by using a static method of the form SetPropName.  In the case of ZIndex, you use the static Canvas.SetZIndex method, passing in a reference to child control.

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Canvas.SetZIndex(sender as UIElement, 5);

#480 – ZIndex Values and Render Transforms

It’s possible for controls to overlap each other when using a RenderTransform–even in containers that don’t normally overlap their child controls.

In the example below, the first Button in a StackPanel is rotated and ends up overlapping the second Button.

    <StackPanel Margin="10">
        <Button Content="Alpha" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="20,0" >
                <RotateTransform Angle="45"/>
        <Button Content="Bravo" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="20,0" />

Whenever overlapping occurs, the containing panel’s attached ZIndex property dictates the overlapping order of the child controls. With default ZIndex values of 0, child controls appearing later in the XAML are rendered on top of earlier controls.

You can explicitly control the overlap order by specifying ZIndex values.  In the previous example, if we give the first button a ZIndex of 2 and the second button a ZIndex of 1, their overlap order is reversed.

#477 – Default ZIndex Value for Child Elements of a Canvas

You can set the Canvas.ZIndex attached property for a child element of the Canvas panel, to dictate the overlap behavior of child elements.  Elements with a higher ZIndex value will appear on top of elements with a lower value.

By default, all child elements of a Canvas have a ZIndex value of 0.  In this case, the Canvas lays out the child elements in the order that they exist in the Children collection (the same order in which they appear in XAML), with elements occurring later in the collection layering on top of elements that occur earlier in the collection.

More generally, any time that two elements have the same value for ZIndex, they are layered in the order in which the appear in the Children collection.

#476 – Set ZIndex Values for Child Elements of Canvas

By default, child elements of a Canvas panel will be arranged in the order that they appear in a XAML file, with later elements appearing on top of earlier elements.

You can override this behavior by specifying explicit values for the Canvas.ZIndex attached property.  An element with a higher ZIndex value will appear on top of an element with a lower value.

        <Canvas Name="canv" Grid.Row="0">
            <Button Content="1 - Lft10,Top10" Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="10" Canvas.ZIndex="4"/>
            <Button Content="2 - Rt10,Top10" Canvas.Right="10" Canvas.Top="15" Canvas.ZIndex="3"/>
            <Button Content="3 - Lft10,Bott10..." Canvas.Left="15" Canvas.Bottom="15" Canvas.ZIndex="2"/>
            <Button Content="4 - Rt10,Bott10" Canvas.Right="10" Canvas.Bottom="8"  Canvas.ZIndex="1"/>